Dresden International PhD Program

© Otger Càmpas Group

Welcome to the DIPP

The Dresden International PhD Program (DIPP) offers outstanding, motivated graduates in the life sciences or related fields the chance to pursue doctoral research in a highly interactive, interdisciplinary, and international scientific community. We provide world-class research opportunities at state-of-the-art institutes, we promote scientific independence and creativity in balance with dedicated mentorship, and support our Predocs with a unique infrastructure. Many successful careers started at the DIPP – let yours be next!

Join our Doctoral Schools

The DIPP combines two powerful partners dedicated to first-class doctoral training at the frontier of science:


International Max Planck Research School for Cell, Developmental, and Systems Biology

Integrating Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science, the IMPRS-CellDevoSys trains talented young researchers seeking a doctoral degree. Housed at three sites in Dresden, our PhD students work with top scientists from over 50 nations to ask: How do cells form tissues and organisms? Our PhD students show tremendous passion for cross-disciplinary science and pursue new directions in research.






Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB)

We foster critical thinking and early independence. Our mission is to promote excellence in science by inspiring our talented PhD students to become innovative research leaders. Our curriculum goes beyond traditional scientific training to support both scientific and personal development.

Biomedicine and Regenerative Biology

Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology

Biological Physics and Quantitave Biology

Bioengineering and Biomaterials